A im s i
Absolute Maximum Ratings*
O pe ra ting T e m p e ra tu re ........................ ............. -55 °C to + 1 2 5 °C
S tora ge T e m p e ra tu re ............................ ............. -65 °C to + 1 50°C
V oltage on A n y Pin
w ith R espect to G r o u n d ....................... .................. -1 .0 V to + 7 .0 V
M a xim u m O pe ra tin g V o lta g e ............. .................................. 6.2 5 V
DC O utpu t C u rre n t................................. ................................5.0 m A
*N O T IC E :
S tre sse s be yond th o s e listed un de r “A b so lu te
M axim um R a ting s” m ay ca u se p e rm a n e n t d a m
age to th e device. T his is a s tre s s rating on ly and
fu n c tio n a l op era tion of th e de vice at th e s e or any
o th e r co n d itio n s beyond th o s e in dicated in th e
op e ra tio n a l s e c tio n s of this sp e c ific a tio n is not
im plied. E xposure to a b so lu te m axim um rating
c o n d itio n s fo r exte nde d p e rio d s m ay affect
device reliability.
Block Diagram
Pin Description
The SCL input is used to positive
edge clock data into each EEPROM device and negative
edge clock data out of each device.
The SDA pin is bidirectional for
serial data transfer. This pin is open-drain driven and may
be wire-ORed with any number of other open-drain or open
collector devices.
The A2, A1
and A0 pins are device address inputs that are hard wired
or left not connected fo r hardw are c o m p a tib ility with
AT24C16. When the pins are hardwired, as many as eight
32K/64K devices may be addressed on a single bus sys
tem (device addressing is discussed in detail under the
Device Addressing section). When the pins are not hard
wired, the default A2, A1, and A0 are zero.
The write protect input, when tied
to GND, allows normal write operations. When WP is tied
high to VCC, all write operations to the upper quandrant
(8/16K bits) of memory are inhibited. If left unconnected,
WP is internally pulled down to GND.
Memory Organization
AT24C32/64, 32K/64K SERIAL EEPROM:
The 32K/64K is
internally organized as 256 pages of 32 bytes each. Ran
dom word addressing requires a 12/13 bit data word
5 0 / 7 3
Содержание PDP4225M
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