Notice for System Designers
L. [J the P D P module displays a L'J^cl pul k i n on IK - screen. the Im age-slorage. wtUcJi m eans a difference Jn
lJi>.- Luminance b f t w r a i a fixed pale on i area and che ocher a rras caiised bv difference "l tem pejalune m-
disci in rgc ■
li n a . or U le [ i n agi?-b ci n i- Li i w l i Id i 11 > n ns a dif lei '< i 1« in the
u 111J1 iai jce t li t ised by 'A « rad li I Jc.-i i c.-l
IJ i>. - phosphor. might I jo occurred. In order ro keep die picture quality
w o
recommend ro use rhe valid
dJapLav area of P D P module equlvalondy and also to use li screei j-saver rcdm lquo
2 .
P D P module cadi he perm an en dy dam aged by application of stress (voltage. current. tem perature. etc
excess oT ceic ain eslablislied ]JmLts. ca]]ed absolute maximum ratings. Do j
c exceed t Ijese ratings
3. Recommended operating conditions lm-- normal operating janges LV.-r die PDP module. A ll 11
- dev Lee's
electrical diajacredscics are warranted wtieji operated w ith in lltese ranges. Always n » semiconductor
Hie recommended operating conditions. Operation outside d ie * ranges may adversely
affect reliability and could result m device faLiure. N " warranty
made w ith jespect t
uses, operating
conditions, or combinacions mu represented on die data sheer. Users consldej'lng application outside tlie
listed conditions are advised co contact their FUJITSU 1 IITAC H I PLASMA DISPLAY sales representative
hefaettai id.
4. Tlie PDP module radiates infrared mys between 800 and 1000 nm sc.. Ilia I il could cause
controller nj anotlier electric system c-- mlsoperace. Tb avoid dlls. you should consider adding rhe IR
abs<ir prion filter r( ■
your system.
5. The PD P module has a high-voir age sw itching circuit and a liigh-speed clock circuit. Tliereforo. you need t"
evaluate tlie EMC requij eniejits of
r system.
6. 11 stiould be consideied Jn your mechanical design that rhe PDP module lias a glass plate. Avoid ex-, esslve
she-, k and stress to rhe glass surface and he careful not r- dam age rhe Up-lube at rhe oomef of tlie g lass
place D am age In d ie glass plate ca' rip-tube could i csulr in L'alJunc.-l d ie PD P module.
i s .....
trolled by high voltage. W hile designing. rem em ber lliar all voltage
module stiould be dis- barged immediately aftei' power-off. And ttie power " ii sequence (Vet -> Va'Vs] and
llu -power off sequence (Va-Ys
Vcc) are required.
£. Because rhe PDP module generaces heal wtille operating. radiation and ventilation must he Lncorf »rated
JiU'.' your system design. Ttie PDP module -.0111(1 fail U operated ac tempejatures outside c.J llu - specified
ambient temperature
9 The ventilation design oi your system sliould be considejed dia l foreign objeccs. '.s I iJ- h may prevent normal
operation, would n--l touch ro d ie P D P module because llie P D P module has hlgti-denslry and hlgh^ oltage
electrical |
lhI.v Condensation or dust on rhe driver circuit coidd cause li sliort dicuLl or dielectric
breakdew i 1.
Eased on die requirem encsof d ie safety scandaid (UL. E!N ecc.). be sure t- add the filler that come up to
tlie Impact co^l to d ie glass pare.
11. The PDP v reeji i s .....trolled w ld i dlsplay-dala signals and syjicluonlzed signals, [J noise interferes w ill]
tliese signals, the PDP screen could become unstable. Therefore you
ili> be required co take measures In
older ro reduce or minimize the effec cs of j Else wlien yon w ill design
. P D P m odule lias an inherent chance of failure You must protect againsc injury dam age or lc.^ from suclj
failures by inccaporaring safety design m easures into your fadllcy and equipment sucti as redundancy and
|) rev endon c .■
! over-t c ir ret 1
Lev« Js a 1 id ml 10 r aba n ir 11 lal 0 pe ra
1.......... .
Ji u is.
The diermal managemenc. Image Scorage. acid Image Bujcj-Ih ^Ji-.-liIcI be considered when you design lui cl
14. Please make careful evaluatiot
of E[MC diaractejtstK ^ ul n
j you deslgp die system.
5 8 / 7 3
Содержание PDP4225M
Страница 14: ...Block Diagram MAIN AUDIO BOARD 12 73...
Страница 16: ......
Страница 18: ...15 73...
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Страница 28: ...25 73...
Страница 29: ...Audio Board BH M CH 05 06 14 sch 1 Tue Aug 16 22 15 14 2005 26 73...
Страница 30: ...DUBHE OSD Ver1 1 NAKS sch 1 Mon Oct 1B 11 47 11 2004 27 73...
Страница 33: ......
Страница 34: ...Main Video Main Power Supple____ Sub Power Supple EMI F ilter AC Intel Audio 30 73...
Страница 70: ...ifl Z 2 3 2 PANEL DATASHEET...
Страница 71: ...3 W Hc jn hB D i n I...