FS2 Frame Synchronizer/Converter v3.0 67 www.aja.com
12.2 Color Red Black Level
This parameter adjusts the RGB Red Black level.
Adjusts Red Black level from -20 IRE to +20 IRE in 0.5 steps.
Default (unity):
12.3 Color Red Gamma
This parameter adjusts the RGB Red Gamma.
Adjusts Red Gamma level from -1.0 to +1.0 in 0.01 steps.
Default (unity):
12.4 -12.6 Color Green
This set of parameters adjusts the Gain, Black Level, and Gamma for color Green,
same as Color Red described above.
12.7-12.9 Color Blue
This set of parameters adjusts the Gain, Black Level, and Gamma for color Blue,
same as Color Red described above.
Custom Conversion Settings
The custom settings determine the image size and shape for Upconvert and
Downconvert modes 6 and 7 if you choose the Custom selection for those modes.
Custom settings are stored separately for each Conversion Mode. Values for each
of the Upconvert modes, Downconvert modes (excluding AFD), and SD Aspect
Ratio modes (excluding OFF), plus no conversion (or HD CrossConvert), are
independently stored (per Vid Proc).
NOTE: If a Custom Setting parameter is not unity (100%) for the current mode, the front
panel UFC LED lights.
13.0 Custom Size/Pos
This parameter turns custom image settings 13.1–13.8 On or Off.
On the front panel, when Hide Inactive is on, the Custom controls 13.1–13.8
are only displayed when Custom Size/Pos is On. When Custom Size/Pos is Off,
parameters 13.1–13.8 are skipped in the menu system, and the UFC hardware is
programmed for unity.
This menu is also not displayed when Active Format Description (AFD) is in
control of the Conversion Mode. While downconverting, with Downconvert Mode
set to Auto AFD, any values assigned for Custom Size/Pos parameters are ignored,
and the menus are hidden.
Off (default)
Sets this parameter and related custom size/pos parameters to off.
Enables this parameter and related custom size/position parameters.