FS2 Frame Synchronizer/Converter v3.0 10 www.aja.com
communicate with one or more FS2 devices, even getting them to identify
themselves via LEDs on the front and rear panel.
GPI Inputs and Outputs
General Purpose Inputs and Outputs are available on the FS2 back panel to
provide contact closure control. Using the inputs, an external contact closure
activates a specified function on the FS2. Using the outputs, specific FS2
functions can produce a contact closure to activate any desired function on
external equipment. The functions to be activated by an input or that can activate
an output are set using the front panel and browser menus.
SNMP Interface Monitoring
SNMP offers remote network monitoring of alarm conditions.
Optional FS2 Features
Fiber I/O
The FS2 supports optional AJA Optical Fiber I/O modules as follows:
• Single Input, LC connector
• Single Input SC connector
• Single Output LC connector
• Single Output SC connector
• Dual Input LC connectors
• Dual Output LC connectors
FS2’s Fiber I/O supports the 3G/HD/SD SDI protocol. Only AJA modules are
supported; use of other manufacturers’ modules is not supported and may void
the warranty.
Dolby E Decoder Card
The current FS2 software supports a Dolby E Decoder option in the right-hand
option slot under the option top cover.
Technical Description
The FS2 features an incredibly flexible architecture offering two identical Video/
Audio processing units, both of which can access any input or drive any output.
For Video processing, each processor can also access the other video processor
for sidebar keying or other functions that involve both video signals. For audio
processing, each audio processor has access to any audio input for full channel
mapping capability, and each audio processor outputs a 16-channel group that
can be embedded in the SDI/HDMI/Fiber outputs and/or sent to the AES or
Analog outputs.