10.2.1 Configurable measuring ranges
Initially the ranges for the four measuring channels can be configured from a list of
eight ranges (* factory default settings).
Exp. Measuring range Units Resolution
1. * Temperature T, t
D t
0.01 K
2. * Rel. humidity RH, U
D Uw
0... 100.0 %H
0.1 % rH
3. * Dew point DT, t
D td
-64.8..+100.0 °C
0.1 K
4. * Atm. pressure AP, p
D p
300...1100.0 mb
0.1 mbar
5. Mixture MH, r mit LK
D r
0...6500.0 gk
0.1 g/kg
6. Abs. humidity AH, d
D dv
0... 596.3 gm
0.1 g/m
7. Vapor pressure VP, e
D e
300...1100.0 mb
0.1 mbar
8. Enthalpy En, h mit LK
D h
0...6500.0 kJ
0.1 kJ/kg
The measuring range depends on the sensor type. (see data sheet)
The range, the units (2 characters), and a designation are programmed automatically;
this designation comprises the familiar abbreviations listed in tables issued by the
Deutscher Wetterdienst (German Meteorological Service) and the newer symbols de-
fined in VDI/VDE 3514.
10.3 Technical data
Operative range
The temperature depends on the sensor type.
Measuring ranges
Temperature -100 to +200 °C*
Accuracy ±0.2 K at 23 °C ±5 K
Humidity 0 to 100 % RH
Accuracy ±1.3 % RH at 23°C ±5 K
Atmospheric pressure 300 to 1100 mbar
Accuracy ±2.5 mbar (in range 700 to 1100 mbar)
at 23°C±5K
Calculated quantities see 8.2.1
Atm. pressure compensation
0 to 6500 mbar (programmable)
Refresh rate
1 second for all four channels
Connector colors
2 colors, light gray and dark gray, red lever
Standard baud rate
115.2 kbaud (freely selectable from 1200baud up to
Supply voltage
6 to 13 VDC
Current consumption
approx. 12 mA
Sleep mode on the device
Possible (for extensions a 1s delay is necessary)
* Persistent use in the high-temperature range (>170 °C) may incur a loss in accuracy and / or
damage to the measuring cell.
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