SureScan System User Guide
System Description
In this section you find listings of hardware and software features, parts, and computer
requirements. A physical description of the SureScan scanner and information on site preparation
and safety are also provided.
Hardware and software features
The SureScan scanner provides the following features:
Dynamic autofocus
Single and dual color scanning
Automatic PMT gain calibration before each scan
2-, 3-, 5-, or 10-micron pixel size
Dynamic range of >10
for a single scan in 16-bit scan mode, >10
for a single scan in 20-bit
scan mode, and >10
for a dual scan in 16-bit scan mode (XDR)
Uniformity specification of <5% CV (Coefficient of Variation)
TIFF image file compression
Flip and rotate images
Internal and external barcode reading
The Agilent Microarray Scan Control program allows you to select the dye (fluorescence)
channels, scan regions, resolution, dynamic range, PMT gain, and output folders for each of the
slides in the cassette. You can load these settings automatically from saved application-specific
protocols, or set them manually in the slot table.
Parts list
The G4900DA SureScan microarray scanner system consists of the following components:
G2600D SureScan scanner with integral 24-slide cassette
24 slide holders
Computer workstation with recovery software on CD
Power cords and network cable
Agilent Microarray Scan Control Software installed
Agilent Feature Extraction Software installed
Agilent Installation Qualification Tool Software installed
Declaration of Conformity