BA Intellidrive User’s Manual
Version 1.4
Aerotech, Inc.
4.2.29. PRM:32 In Position Bit
This parameter, when set, will use output 3 (P1.13) as an in position indicator. When the
position error is within the limits defined by PRM:6 after a move completes, this bit will
be set by the BAI. An additional wait time to check the position error can be added by
setting PRM:33 to a value other than zero. Refer to Table 4-32 for parameter settings.
In position can also be checked by examining Bit 0 of the status register.
Table 4-32.
Settings for In Position Bit PRM:32
Default Value
Maximum Value
Minimum Value
Long (32bit)
4.2.30. PRM:33 Dead Band Wait Time
This parameter, used in conjunction with PRM:32, defines the amount of time the BAI
will wait after a move completes before it begins checking for “in position”. Although the
trajectory generator may have completed the move, the motor may not be in its final
position. As a result, the position error may oscillate around the zero point before settling
to its final position. This parameter allows the addition of settling time for the motor.
Refer to Table 4-33 for parameter settings.
This parameter also effects Bit 0 of the status register.
Table 4-33.
Settings for Dead Band Wait Time PRM:33
Default Value
Maximum Value
Minimum Value
Long (32bit)
Requires a reset (CTRL-D) before taking effect.
4.2.31. PRM:34 Thermistor Polarity
This parameter sets the polarity of the thermistor input. The thermistor input can be used
to detect an over temperature condition in a motor. A typical motor thermistor is a
positive temperature coefficient device, that is, as the temperature of the device increases,
so does the resistance of the device. The thermistor input on the BAI assumes this type of
device is used in the motor. Under normal operating conditions, the resistance of the
thermistor is low (i.e., 100 ohms). The BAI will see this as a low signal. As the
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