This option allows the user to directly dial the destination by typing its address.
Depending on what the current communications mode is (RTP or P/DSIP), the
appearance of this screen will change, asking us for the destination’s IP a port,
or its URI, respectively:
DIAL screen when in RTP mode
DIAL screen when in PSIP or DSIP mode
The text typed in the DIAL screen is validated by touching the green call button under
the text box/es.
Once a destination has been selected or typed in by any of the three methods described above,
confirmation will be requested and, if acceptance is provided, it will be stored as the next call
destination and the App will return to its main screen.
In order to make a call, long-press the green CALL button in the main screen.
A pop-up
window showing the currently selected destination will appear, asking us for confirmation. If we
select Yes, TALENT will initiate a call. If successfully established, the CALL button will become
steadily illuminated after a while, as will be the CONNECTED indicator.
A call can be finished by touching the HANG UP button; confirmation will also be requested
(note that if the call is hang up by means of the physical key, it must be pressed for a longer