Mounting Instructions
Select a mounting location that provides the operator easy access to the unit and a clear
view of the controls through the cover of the controller. The location should be
convenient to grounded electrical connections, the needed sample line plumbing and is
on a stable vertical surface.
WARNING: Avoid locations that expose the controller to direct sunlight,
vapors, vibration, liquid spills or extreme temperatures; less than 0
F (-17.8
C) or
greater than 120
F (50
C). EMI (electromagnetic interference) from radio
transmissions and electric motors can also cause
damage or interference and
should be avoided.
Electrode Installation
MegaTron controllers may come configured for various circulating water systems. Listed
below are instructions for cooling tower and boiler typical installations. Your specific
installation requirements may differ but should conform to these instructions as much as
possible for proper operation.
Cooling Tower
The standard probe(s) and/or flow assembly for cooling tower installations is constructed
of schedule 80 PVC and supplied with ¾” slip fittings for installing into a sample line. To
insure proper operation the sample line must have a flow rate of 3-10 gpm. Inlet
pressure must be higher than outlet pressure in order for water to flow past the
electrode(s) to achieve the required rate. The probes are temperature compensated for
increased accuracy.
1. Install an isolation valve on either side of the flow assembly so
electrodes can be easily isolated for removal and cleaning.
2. A line strainer is recommended upstream from the probes to protect against
fouling and damage.
3. Mount pH electrodes vertically.
. Units with a flow switch require the needed flow rate to operate the relay
1. Electrodes are O-ring sealed, which if damaged will cause a leak.
2. Do not allow pH sensor tips to dry out, damage will occur.
3. Do not exceed a water temperature range of 32
F to 140
Do not exceed a maximum pressure of 150 psi.