VI. Maintenance
The only required maintenance for normal uninterrupted operation of your MegaTron
controller is cleaning of the electrode(s).
After initial start up, it is a good idea to clean the electrode frequently until a schedule
based on need has been developed. Since each application is unique, it is difficult to
estimate the required frequency of cleaning. The first cleaning should take place after
about one week of the system being on line.
To determine the required cleaning frequency, record the reading on the controller
before the electrode is removed for cleaning. After cleaning, record the new reading. If
a change is observed in the two readings, the electrode was dirty. The more significant
the change, the dirtier the electrode. If no change occurs, cleaning needs to be done
less often.
Conductivity Electrode Cleaning Procedure
1. Record the current conductivity reading.
2. Turn off water flow through the electrode loop, bleed pressure from the line and
remove electrode.
3. Use a clean cloth and a mild cleaning solution to remove loose dirt etc., from the
flat surface of the electrode.
4. If the electrode has deposits such as scale attached to the electrode surface a
more aggressive cleaning approach will be needed. There are several ways to
do this, the preferred method being the one that is easiest for the user.
a. Use a mild acid solution to dissolve deposits.
b. Lay a piece of sandpaper (200 grit or finer) on a flat surface such as a bench
top. "Sand" electrode to remove stubborn deposits. (Do not wipe surface with
your finger. Oil from your skin will foul carbon tips.
5. Reinstall the electrode in the system. After the reading stabilizes, calibrate the
unit to a reliable test reading.
Many times an electrode can appear to be clean, but the unit still cannot be calibrated. If
this is the case, use one of the more aggressive electrode cleaning procedures listed in
step 4 above. Recheck the calibration after completion of this procedure. If no change
was observed in the reading, replace the electrode. If a change occurred but the unit
still will not calibrate, repeat procedure as many times as necessary.
pH and ORP Electrode Cleaning Procedure
1. Remove the pH electrode from the system by turning counter-clockwise until fully