II. Installation
Electrical Wiring
The MegaTron controller has an internal regulated fused power supply that will operate
off of 90 to 250 VAC at 47 to 63 Hz on the incoming wiring. Each output relay is
individually protected with a replaceable fuse. Relay outputs will equal incoming line
1. The controller should be connected to its own isolated circuit breaker and
for best results the ground should be a true earth ground not shared.
Wiring must be done according to all applicable local codes.
2. Power (line voltage) must be disconnected while making any connections.
If power is supplied to the unit, line voltage will be present on the relay
cards located in the lower section of the enclosure, even with the power
(ON/OFF) switch off.
3. Low voltage signal wires (probes, flow switch, water meter etc…) should
never be run in conduit with high voltage wires.
NOTE: Liquid tight fittings and some labeled signal leads are provided for all
signal (low voltage) connections for both pre-wired and conduit units.
Pre-wired units are supplied with a 16 AWG cable with 3-wire grounded USA 115 volt
plug for incoming power and 3-wire grounded receptacle cords for all control relay
outputs also 16 AWG.
Conduit units are predrilled at the factory and supplied with conduit knockouts for easy
hard wiring to supplied detachable connectors on the relay card(s) located in the lower
section of the controller. Remove the six screws of the lower panel for access.
1. Relay 1 and 6 (if supplied) only provide a normally open (N.O.) relay output.
If a N.O. and normally closed (N.C.) are required for a specific control
function use one of the other relays and program the selected relay to be
controlled by the desired control function. See relay configure set up on
page 18.
2. What control function that activates each relay output is pre-configured at
the factory based on the options selected on your controller. To change
what activates a given relay see relay configure set up on page 18.