C N C 4 2 2 0 M a c hi ne Too l Op e ra t ion an d Te st
= 1: effective when disconnected from 0V
= 0: effective when connected to 0V
System parameter 41, 42: axis X and axis Z return to reference coordinates
System parameter 35, 36: select positive or negative for the origin direction of axis X and axis Z
System parameter 37, 38: high speed when axis X and axis Z return to origin
System parameter 39, 40: low speed when axis X and axis Z return to mechanical origin
After confirmed that the hard limit function and origin signal are effective,
it is possible to
perform the mechanical origin operation.
Check whether the origin switch is connected properly. For your safety, please move the axes to the center position
manually and then switch to MDI mode. Switch to the input point interface, press the origin switch of every axis
with hands, and the controller sends alarm tone. If there is no change, please check the corresponding external
wiring. If the external wiring is proper, please check whether the machine tool input port is damaged. If yes,
contact the system manufacturer. Perform the origin operation if the input signal is correct.
Generally, the mechanical origin is installed at the position of maximum travel. The effective travel
of the origin block is at least 25mm. To ensure the accurate origin, please ensure sufficient
deceleration distance, so that the speed can be reduced. The higher the mechanical origin speed is,
the longer the origin block is. Otherwise, the origin accuracy will be affected because the system
acceleration/deceleration and machine tool inertia make the mobile extension units cross the
origin block and no sufficient deceleration distance is reserved.
The diagram that uses one approach switch as the deceleration and origin signal at the same time
I. The mechanical origin when use one approach switch as the origin signal
The diagram follows:
Direction to mechanical origin
Metal sensing block installed on the machine tool slide
PNP-NC type approach switch
Connect to 0V
Connect to +24V