C N C 4 2 2 0 M a c hi ne Too l Op e ra t ion an d Te st
File Manager
Connecting USB disk to PC
Press the Setting key to switch to parameter/program switch interface, and then press the
Up/Down key to switch to the File manager interface, as in the figure below:
Settings File manager
The controller is simulated to a
common USB disk, and you
can perform the operations.
Press the
key to select
and highlight the function, and
press the EOB key to enter the
Connecting USB disk to PC is selected by default, press the EOB to connect, and the USB
connection icon appears in the system tray of the PC. Open the USB disk to have two folders:
ADT and PRG, as in the figure below:
The ADT folder is used to save the update of machine tool. It is empty by default. To update,
copy the program ADTROM.BIN to this folder and then select the update program in the BISO