Adash 4300 – VA3Pro
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Single plane balancing
RUN 1 screen – Initial measurement
Press the Start button and the reading will be taken (or enter the values manually).
Use the right arrow button to move to the next screen.
RUN 2 screen – Measurement with trial
You need to mount the trial mass in order to take the RUN 2 screen – response reading.
You can mount the trial mass anywhere on the plane (mark this position because it will be your zero position).
Enter the weight of the trial mass (Menu/Enter Trial) and mount the mass onto the plane. The weight can be
negative, it represents removing of mass ( for example dismounting of old balancing mass).
The recommended weight is displayed if the Rotor settings parameters are entered.
Press the Start button and reading will be taken (or enter the values manually).
After the RUN2 reading the dynamic factor is displayed. The DFA and DFP (amplitude and phase) values are
the response values of standardized trial mass (mm/s
/ 1kg regardless of the selected unit for balancing). If
you balance the same machine again after some time, then you do not need to measure the RUN2. Instead of
that you will only need to enter the DFA, DFP values in this screen. Use Menu/Enter DF for this.
Use the right arrow button to move to the next screen.
The trial mass reminder message appears.
Remove trial mass - if the Remove Trial option is set to yes
Do not remove trial mass - if the Remove Trial option is set to no