Adash 4300 – VA3Pro
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first signal for averaging is triggered manually, next signals are taken freerun
manual sequential
every signal for averaging is triggered (constant phase)
Overlap (% value)
Overlapping of signals in averaging.
When you use the tacho for e.g. APS measurement, the choice of resolution is
available. The number of FFT lines must be chosen in the computational procedure. The FFT with fewer lines is
faster and displays results more often. When you select higher resolution (e.g.speed/64), then more lines must
be used and you will wait for the results longer. If you have some considerable spectrum amplitude near the
speed frequency, then you need to select the higher resolution. It eliminates the disturbing influence of the non
speed frequency near the speed.
Example: the speed is 25 Hz. The resolution is speed/4, i.e. 6.25 Hz. The speed line bandwidth in FFT will be
6.25Hz. It means, that speed line contains all frequencies in the interval (21.875 , 28.125). If any disturbing
frequency is in that interval, then higher resolution must be used.
Frequency (speed, value)
the frequency value for phase shift measurement can be entered manually
(value) or the speed frequency from tacho sensor can be used.
Next Meas functions
Copy Meas
Copies the selected measurement to the new one.
Edit Meas
Enables changes in measurement properties.
Meas info
Displays measurement properties
Delete Meas
Deletes selected measurement.
Functions for Set
Next function are available, when the Set is opened (it means the graphs are displayed).
Save data
It saves last measured data. When you close the Set without saving, the measured data will be lost.
View Trend/ View Actual
The switch for displaying of last measured data (Actual) and data saved in memory (Trend).
Graph Max/Min
Maximizes or minimizes the selected graph to the whole screen or returns back to the initial screen with more