Adash 4300 – VA3Pro
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Select Notes item. The list of notes for point appears. It is empty, when no notes was created yet.
Use the Menu / Add Note to new note addition. The list of predefined notes appears.
The predefined notes are saved in instrument in va3/notes folder. The individual file exists for each language.
The user can modify the notes or can add his own notes. Use any software for text files edit.
Select one note from the list and press Ok.
If you want to enter the text, then select user text item. You can also edit the note which was selected from the
predefined list. Then press Ok.
After pressing Ok you return back to the list of notes. The new note appears in the list.
Use the Menu / Edit Note to edit the selected note from the list.
Use Menu / Delete Note to remove selected note.
Press Ok to close the list.
If the note exists for point, then the N letter is displayed behind the point name.
Speed in the route
There are various ways how to get the speed and transfer it to DDS. The ways are described here in the order
from the lowest priority to the highest priority.