Adash 4300 – VA3Pro
For further technical and contact information visit, email: [email protected]
Press the Back button (F1) to return to the list of points. The measured point is labeled by the tick symbol
defined measurements were taken) or by the exclamation mark symbol "!" (some readings were not taken due
to error) or by the dot symbol "." (measurement not complete).
Downloading the route to the computer
Open the instrument window (Route/ A4300_VA3). The route window appears. Connect the instrument to a
USB port. The information screen with the message Connected to PC appears on the VA3 Pro screen.
Press the Connect button in DDS. The list of readings saved in the instrument appears (data saved in the
Select the required route. Press the Store button. The data are transferred and saved to the database.
Reference values
You can download reference values from DDS to VA4Pro unit for spectrum and overall measurements. These
values are displayed together with measured values.
Reference spectrum is displayed together with measured spectrum in the same graph.
Overall reference value is displayed in left side of graph and it is signed by “R:” or like a line in trend view.
Manual entry
The route may contain the measurements, which have to be entered manually ( e.g. temperatures read from
analogue display). The measurement with subtype MANUAL in DDS is defined. Before beginning of
measurements from sensors (after you press START button) the window for manual input appears ( one for
each manual input ).