Adash 4300 – VA3Pro
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The Route mode
Loading the route to the instrument
The DDS software is required for the route measurement. See also the DDS user manual for more details. We
do not describe all details about the DDS function in this guide.
Open the database in DDS which you want create the route from. Open the instrument window (Route/
A4300_VA3). The route window appears. Connect the instrument with a USB cable.
Press the Connect button, the message window with connection process description should appear. The list of
data saved in the instrument appears.
Move the required points from the DDS tree to the route window (use mouse Drag’n’Drop).
You can see that the structure of the tree has changed. This is because the VA3 Pro strictly requires a tree with
the following structure Tree_Name - Machine - Measuring Point - Data Cell. If there are more items in the DDS
tree in a path between these items, the names of such items are combined together (like in this example “Turbo
Generator/Fans/Fan 1“ or “Motor/L1RV” etc.). If the item name in a route tree is longer then 45 characters the
DDS tries to shorten such names. To avoid this we recommend using shortcuts in the tree items (in this case
“Turbo Generator” should be “TG”).
Press the Send button. The route data will be loaded from the computer to the instrument.
Creation of the route tree
The route tree can be created also in the VA4 directly. The new database must be created in DDS for it. See
DDS guide for details.
Route readings
Select the Route mode in the VA3Pro main screen. The list of routes in the memory is displayed.
Select one route and press OK. The list of machines appears.