ACL Staticide ACL-750-USB Combo Tester Instructions
What are the major problems encountered when setting up a system?
Using the wrong communication port.
Not checking off the correct report or card identification box in the software.
Not setting up the correct electrical limits in the software and matching it to the default settings set up on the DIP switch settings
inside the meter.
For older RS232 testers, installing the RS-232 cable so it protrudes from the edge of the stand will cause problems because the
plug will bend and become dislodged from the jack.
Low battery if not using the AC power supply or rechargeable battery option.
Not backing up and resetting the test data file Log.txt after one year. Too much data will slow down the system.
Not reading the help files or instructional manual.
If in doubt call ACL Staticide and we will run through the system while you are on the keyboard.
My barcode/mag stripe scanner does not read
Increase or decrease the speed of the swipe in both directions
Turn the card around, offering the readable side
Check that the code offered is within the design parameters (Code 39)
Check cable connections, remove and re-insert.
Check to see if the reader is reading the exact amount of characters on a persons’ identification card. If not delete or add the
correct numbers.
I want my system to read a card that is not in the system. Does the card have to be installed manually?
No. Check off “Unknown ID configuration. This will ask if the card should be added. Check yes and type in the name shown on the
If a failed tested is repeated and passes at another test station, but the report says the person failed, what is wrong?
The test station times are not synchronized. All test stations
be set with the same time. See Synch.bat
How do I hook up the two pig tail wires which are on the “special” meter with the door opening option?
The relay circuit is normally open. When the test results are passed, the two leads will close because of the activation of the low
voltage relay in the meter and allow the passage of a maximum of 24 volts at 500milliamps through the relay to the door. See the
connection diagram listed above.
How do I change the regional settings?
Make sure the regional settings are mm/dd/yyyy and not mm/dd/yy. To change click start, settings, control panel, regions, dates,
short date setting= mm/dd/yyyy.
When the reports are printed slow what should be done?
The log.txt file should be reset periodically to prevent it from growing so huge that it slows down the report processing. Click on
“setup” and then select the “Reset Log File” item. It will ask for a backup file (for example Log0699.txt for June 1999) For small
companies this should be done at least once a year on January 1
. Every January 1
, the LogHist.txt on the test station computers
should also be deleted. You may also want to check with Windows Explorer to see if there are any other huge files with recent dates.
What can be done if a password is forgotten?
Open the EsdTest.ini file with a word processor program. You will see the password on one of the lines marked Password.
How big a system is needed on the computer?
Suppose you have 2500 people in a company and they test three times a day for 280 days. Each data entry has approximately 80
characters. Therefore you need 168 megabytes or fewer than 2 Gigs hard drive capacity. If the file is reset each month a smaller
hard drive will be required.
What can be done if the readings for the foot wear are low?