ACL Staticide ACL-750-USB Combo Tester Instructions
The Log.txt file should be reset periodically to prevent it from growing so huge that it slows down report processing. Click on "setup"
and then select the "Reset Log File" item. It will ask for a backup file name.
For very large companies, it may be desirable to backup the log.txt file to a monthly backup file (for example Log0699.txt for June
1999). For small companies, this should be done at least once per year on January 1st.
Every January 1st, the LogHist.txt on the test station computers should also be deleted.
If while generating reports to email, Outlook Express 6 generates a warning message saying "An application is attempting to send
email in your name", then disable the messages by opening Outlook Express, clicking Tools, Options, Security, Virus Protection, and
uncheck the box that says" Warn me if other applications try to send mail as me."
There are three check boxes at the bottom of the window:
Check the one labeled "Include Message" to include the report in the email message body
Check the one labeled "Attach .txt file to attach the report as a .txt file
Check the one labeled "Attach .csv file to attach the report as a .csv file
Note that at least one of these must be checked or the default will be the message body with the ,csv file attached.
“A program is automatically trying to send email on your behalf.”
For Microsoft Outlook Email security issues see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 263297