ACL Staticide ACL-750-USB Combo Tester Instructions
An option exists to allow employee to enter their own sick time. Enable this option by selecting the Employee Selection Configuration
window, and checking the “Allow employee to change own sick time”. Set a password for this feature by selecting the Change
Employee Password item in the Setup window. If the password is set to no characters, then it will be ignored. When an employee
tests his/her strap, there will be a box that says "Modify Sick Time" on the lower right corner of the main test results window. An
employee can now click this box. The employee password will be asked for (if it was not set blank). A sick time modification window
will be displayed (without the certification data shown), and the employee can then modify this. You can show explicit help
instructions for your company's sick/vacation policies by modifying the file named HelpVacation.txt, which can be modified with any
word processor.
Certification Configuration
To warn an employee of impending training certification expiration, limit access of employees with expired certification, and
automatically update the certification expiration date, use the Setup Certification Configuration menu. Enter the days of advanced
warning. Set to 0 to disable advanced warnings. Enter the number of days interval between notifications. Set the interval to 0 to
notify the employee every time they log in. Check one of the three option buttons to: exclude all employees with expired certificates,
allow expired employees access if they know the password (and enter the password - make sure it is different than the administrator
password) (must have a keyboard for this option), or allow all expired employees access. The “Training” report can automatically
update the certification expiration dates from a ACL Staticide training course (contact ACL Staticide for pricing). Also enter the
retraining interval in units of months. To update the certification dates click the Reports Training button, or periodically run the
Training function from the AutoGenerate email task scheduler
Remote Data Base Setup for accessing employee names
The EsdTest program typically uses the EsdTest data base file (Names.txt file) to store employee names, badge numbers. Id
number, and other information. However a customer’s existing remote data base can also be used. Typical data bases include
Oracle, SQL2000, Access 2000, and most other SQL type data base servers. The EsdTest program can be set up to do one of the
Find an employee in the remote data base if the employee can not be found in the EsdTest Names.txt file data base, and
add that employee’s information to the EsdTest data base.
Only use the remote data base and never use the EsdTest Names.txt file data base. Note that this method will prohibit
using most of the EsdTest report features, and will only work as long as the network and remote data base server are
Use the remote data base, but keep a local copy of it to use if the network or server stops functioning. Note that this
method will prohibit using the EsdTest sick/vacation report features.
Only use the EsdTest data base file (Names.txt file).