2 Lot Processing
After selecting or registering a card type, touch the
<Setting End> button on the [Card Type Data] menu to
return to the [Card Change] screen.
To register a new card name with the current card group,
touch the <Individual Card Data Change> button. The
[Card Data] screen will be displayed.
To register a new card, touch the “
Card Name
” line,
input the card name, and touch the <ENT> button.
You will be returned to the [Card Data] screen, on which
the “
Card Name
” field will be updated with your input.
Note that “
Contact Count
” and “
Needle Cleaning
” will be reset to zero.
Data for all registered cards are stored along with their
contact count and needle cleaning count data.
Therefore, if a previously used card is loaded, its
cumulative contact count and needle cleaning count will
be displayed.
If a card name is registered on the [Card Data] screen after selecting or registering an
appropriate card type name, the [Card Type Name] and [Card Name] will be displayed in the
card data list. However, this pair can be changed freely. (The card type data file and individual
card data files are managed separately.) Note that the pairing of card type and individual card is
determined depending on which data file is loaded during the replacement of the card.