Please note that your network and hardware must support IPv6.
If IPv6 is enabled, the network camera always waits until it is assigned an IPv6 address via DHCP.
If no DHCP server is available, set up the IP address manually.
To do this, enable “Manually setup the IP address” and enter the IP address, default router and DNS address.
“IPv6 Information”
All the IPv6 information is displayed in a separate window.
If the IPv6 settings are correct, you can read all the settings in the lower window.
IEEE 802.1x
Activate this function if your network environment uses the standard IEEE 802.1x, a port-based access control
in the network.
IEEE 802.1x improves the security of local networks.
A connection is only permitted if all certificates between the server and “client” have been verified. They are
authenticated by a switch/access point, which sends queries to the RADIUS authentication server.
Otherwise no connection is made and access to the port is denied.