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7 - Operation
Connection to the inverter in “AP Mode”
If the inverter wasn’t connected to the domestic wireless network, follow
this procedures:
• Enable the wireless connection on the device which is being used for
the board setup (tablet, smartphone or PC) and connect it to the Access
Point created by the inverter system: the name of the wireless network
created by the system that the connection should be established with,
will be:
where “
” is a hex digit of the wireless MAC address (MAC address can
be found on the “Wireless Identification Label” placed on the side of the
inverter or applied during the commissioning phase to the quick installa-
tion guide on cover page).
• When prompted, type the “product key” (including the dashes. Exam
ple: 1234-1234-1234-1234) as the network password to access the in-
verter’s access point. The product key is printed on the “wireless identi
fication label”on the side of the inverter.
• Open an internet browser (reccomended browser: Chrome versions
from v.55, Firefox versions from v.50) and enter the pre-set IP address
to access the login page.