2.4.1 MS116
The MS116 is a compact and economic range for motor protection up to 15 kW (400 V) / 32 A in width of 45 mm. Fur-
ther features are the build-in disconnect function, temperature compensation, trip-free mechanism and a rotary
handle with a clear switch position indicator. The manual motor starter is suitable for three- and single-phase appli-
cations. Auxiliary contacts, signaling contacts, undervoltage releases, shunt trips, power in-feed blocks and locking
devices for protection against unauthorized changes are available as accessories. These are suitable throughout the
2.4.2 MS132
The MS132 are manual motor starters with thermal and electromagnetic protection for rated operational currents Ie
from 0.10 to 32 A. Just like the MS116, the MS132 offer motor protection up to 15 kW (400 V AC) / 32 A and has a mod-
ule width of 45 mm. This type has also a clear and reliable indication of fault in a separate window in the event of
short-circuit tripping. Further features are the built-in disconnect function, temperature compensation, trip-free
mechanism and a rotary handle with a clear switch position indicator. The manual motor starter is suitable for three-
and single-phase applications. The handle is lockable to protect against unauthorized changes. Auxiliary contacts,
signaling contacts, undervoltage releases, shunt trips, and power in-feed blocks are available as accessories. This
manual motor starter offers a rated service short-circuit breaking capacity I
= 100 kA at 400 VAC and trip class of
10. The handle is lockable to protect against unauthorized changes. Auxiliary contacts and signaling contacts are
available as accessories. MS132-K
The MS132-K manual motor starter is similar to the MS132 but with Push-in spring terminals. You can connect rigid
cables or ferruled cables simply by pushing them into the cable holes – there is no need to use any tools. For small
cable cross-sections or for cables without ferrules simply push a screwdriver into the clearly marked holes to open
the terminal. Also, this device has thermal and electromagnetic protection for rated operational currents Ie from 0.10
to 32 A. Like the MS116 and MS132, the MS132-K offers motor protection up to 15 kW (400 V AC) and has a module
width of 45 mm.
2.4.3 MS165
The MS165 are manual motor starters with thermal and electromagnetic protection which are designed for signifi-
cantly higher currents than the MS116 or MS132, namely from 10 to 80 A. The MS165 offers motor protection up to 30
kW (400 V AC) with a module width of 55 mm. Otherwise the device has all the features of the MS132.
2.4.4 MS132-T and MS132-KT
The MS132-T (screw terminals) and MS132-KT (Push-in spring terminals) are circuit-breakers for transformer protec-
tion with thermal and electromagnetic protection for rated operational currents Ie from 0.10 to 25 A. The MS132-T
has the same module width of 45 mm as the MS132 and differs from it by using other releases. Sizes 1 and 2 also cor-
respond to those of the MS132. The short circuit current setting is fixed to 20 times the operating current to handle
the high inrush current generated by transformers. This version of the manual motor starter should not be used for
2.4.5 MO132 and MO165
MO stands for "magnetic only", accordingly the MO132 and MO165 are manual motor starters with exclusively electro-
magnetic protection. The rated operational currents, the short circuit breaking capacity and module width
correspond to the respective devices of the manual motor starter series. Since thermal tripping is not provided for
the MO devices, the transmission slider, transmission lever, current adjusting slider, compensation bimetal, current
setting holder and parts of the magnetic trip indication are not mounted. Otherwise, the configuration corresponds
to the manual motor starter devices.
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