1.7.3 European Directives referred to ATEX
Commonly referred to as ATEX, from the French “ATmosphères EXplosibles”, this European Directives is a combina-
tion of two EU directives: The Worker Protection Directive 1999/92/EC and the Product Directive 2014/34/EU. This
provides guidelines similar to the IECEx system, with a few exceptions, and without the certification of service facili-
ties and certification of personnel competencies. Compliance with the “Essential Health and Safety Requirements”
described in the directives is mandatory within the European Union countries. The easiest way to show compliance is
to follow harmonized standards.
1.7.4 Potentially explosive atmospheres groups, zones, categories and devices
Within industries, all potentially explosive atmospheres are required to have an area classification referred to as the
zone system. The zone system is used all over the world and nowadays also accepted as an alternative system in
North America.
Authorities normally determine the area, but it can also be performed by a third party; a notified body or other ex-
pert. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that the classification of their site is performed before suitable
products can be selected and installed at the location.
Globally, a zone system is used to classify potentially explosive areas. The Worker Protection Directive 1999/EC and
the international standards IEC / EN 60079-10-x define these zones. In all cases, zone classification for potentially
explosive atmospheres, zones, categories and devices are the responsibility of the owner of the site where the po-
tentially explosive atmosphere exists.
There are 6 zones:
Zone 0
(for gas) and
(for dust), where there is a continuous presence of an explosive atmosphere.
Zone 1
(for gas) and
(for dust), where there is an occasional occurrence of a potentially explosive atmos-
Zone 2
(for gas) and
(for dust), where potentially explosive atmospheres can occur by accident, not during
normal operation.
Figure 1: Potentially explosive atmosphere groups, zones, categories and devices. “G” = Gas; “D” = Dust