Battery pack
The bat te ry pack's sea led lead acid bat te ries should be re char ged af ter each
use. They are air-tight, main ten an ce-free, re char ge ab le and of ex cel lent
qua li ty.
The bat te ry pack un der go es a so-cal led self-disch ar ge; the re fo re, you should
con nect your bat te ry pack, whe ne ver pos si ble, to a char ger. The char ging
au to ma tism, which swit ches from char ging the bat te ry to re tai ning the char -
ge when it is full, kicks in and keeps the bat te ry from over char ging.
If you take good care of your bat te ry pack by re char ging it re gu lar ly, you pro -
long its du ra bi li ty. The mo vi li no's elec tro nics cons tant ly check the battery’s
char ge and thus pre vent a to tal disch ar ge, if used ade qua te ly.
Avoid a to tal disch ar ge of the bat te ry pack. Re char ge it af ter each
parti al disch ar ge, i.e. af ter each use of the mo vi li no.
Char ging your bat te ries is ta king good care of them.
If your bat te ry pack has not rea ched its full ca pa ci ty, it is pos si ble that with
a new bat te ry pack it ta kes a few char ging/disch ar ging cy cles to build up the
full ca pa ci ty.
If ful ly char ged bat te ries emp ty fas ter than usu al, they are pro ba bly used up.
In such case have your bat te ries che cked by your lo cal dea ler and ex chan -
ged, if ne ces sa ry.
If the movilino is at a stand still for some time, plea se con nect it to
the char ger to re tain the char ge. This does not da ma ge the sea led
lead acid bat te ries, on the con tra ry, it in crea ses their du ra bi li ty.
If the bat te ry pack is to tal ly disch ar ged, it ta kes a ma xi mum of ap -
pro xi ma te ly 10 hours to re char ge it.
The bat te ry pack can be char ged in any po si ti on. It is con si de red as safe as
dry cells and ad mit ted to air tra vel by DOT and IATA.
Al ways char ge your bat te ry pack with the AAT char ger de li ver ed with
your mo vi li no. This par ti cu lar char ger au to ma ti cal ly turns off when
the bat te ries are ful ly char ged kee ping them from being over char -
LED orange
batteries are being charged
LED green
batteries are fully charged, maintenance mode
LED orange
batteries are being charged
LED green
batteries are fully charged, maintenance mode
voltage converter
12 V supply is low