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Safety instructions


For a safe ope ra ti on of the mo vi li no it is im por tant that you ob ser ve

and ad he re to all war ning signs and in struc tions in this user's ma nu -

al as well as the war ning signs and in struc tions on the de vi ce it self.

All ge ne ral ru les for the safe use of a wheel chair ap ply wit hout re ser va ti on

whi le  ope ra ting  the  mo vi li no.  You  must  al ways  ob ser ve  the  li mit  va lu es  and

in struc tions  in di ca ted  by  the  ma nu fac tu rer  (e.g.  air  pres su re,  ma xi mum  to -

tal  weight,  ma xi mum  in cli na ti on,  etc.).  Li mit  va lu es  may  ne ver  be  ex cee ded.
To as su re a safe use of the mo vi li no, it is in dis pen sa ble to ob ser ve the fol lo -

wing  di rec tions.


Special information concerning the operation:

Ge ne ral ly  all  of  the

wheelchair’s  spe ci fic  li mi ting  va lu es  in di ca ted  by  the  ma nu fac tu rer  must  be 

ob ser ved.
In the in te rest of your sa fe ty the pus hing and bra king aid mo vi li no may not

be  used  on  es ca la tors,  stairs,  mo ving  walk ways  or  un for ti fied  sur fa ces.  You

may only move the wheel chair plus moun ted mo vi li no ma nu al ly, if the de vi -

ce is tur ned off. Plea se ob ser ve the in struc tions and li mi ting va lu es of your

wheelchair’s  ma nu fac tu rer.
Be fo re each ope ra ti on you must put the sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne im mo bi li -

ser into its slot at the hand le unit. Al ways make sure it has snap ped into pla -

ce  be cau se  ot her wi se  the  mo vi li no  does  not  work.


The wheelchair’s wheels may not be re mo ved!

Plea se make your self fa mi li ar with hand ling the de vi ce and its dri ving cha -

rac ter is tics. Plea se use it first on le vel ground un til you feel se cu re hand ling

it. Also prac ti se at a low speed.


Du ring dri ve rests ac ti va te the lo cking bra kes of the wheel chair



In the be gin ning, plea se al ways turn the speed con trol to its lo west

speed and in crea se it un til you re ach the de si red pace. 


Plea se re du ce the speed be fo re going downhill.


Avoid dri ving slo pes and down slo pes manually!

Alt hough the mo vi li no ma na ges in cli nes up to 18%, you may un der no cir -

cums tan ces  ex ceed  the  ma xi mum  ap pro ved  in cli na ti on  sti pu la ted  by  your

wheel chair  ma nu fac tu rer.  (Ramps  in  pub lic  pla ces  ge ne ral ly  have  an  in cli -

na ti on  of  ap pro xi ma te ly  6%).


Plea se cross over ob sta cles such as curbs on si de walks with a tur ned 

off mo vi li no. Cros sing over hig her curbs should be done bac kwards

be cau se the rol lers may jac kkni fe. Plea se pull the wheel chair at its

hand le not at the ones of the mo vi li no. Also al ways check the height

of your anti-tilt sup 

port and keep in mind the wheel 


manufacturer’s  sti pu la ted  ma xi mum  height.

The cur rent road traf fic re gu la tions ap ply when you use the mo vi li no on pub -

lic ro ads. Should the re be ad di tio nal de vi ces ne ces sa ry, you need to mount

them to your wheel chair as soon as pos si ble. In such case, plea se con tact

your lo cal dea ler.
Plea se avoid dri ving par al lel on steep slo pes to avoid a til ting over si de ways

of your wheel chair. Al ways coun ter-steer when the curb on the si de walk is

slan ting downward and re main at a safe dis tan ce to the curb.



Содержание Movilino

Страница 1: ...Translation of the original user s manual Pushing and braking aid movilino GB ...

Страница 2: ...es have been al tered without the consent of Alber Antriebstechnik GmbH Signature of the manufacturer Markus Alber Managing shareholder AAT Alber Antriebstechnik GmbH The pushing and braking aid movilino is being tested according to the norm DIN EN 12184 and 12182 at the institution for cer tification of medical products GmbH Tech nical University Berlin 2 movilino AAT Alber Antriebstechnik GmbH P...

Страница 3: ...y 12 3 1 Handle 12 3 2 Brackets 14 3 3 Attach the battery pack 16 3 4 Detach the battery pack 17 3 5 Adjust the handle 17 3 6 Anti tilt support 18 3 7 Functional check 19 4 Safety instructions 20 4 1 Special information concerning the operation 20 4 2 Instruction 21 4 3 Operation attendant 21 4 4 Wear limit 22 4 5 Lifting capacity 22 4 6 Care and maintenance 22 4 7 Condition of paths walkways etc ...

Страница 4: ... 6 4 Trouble shooting 27 6 5 Transport 28 7 Accessories 29 7 1 Battery pack 29 7 2 Voltage converter for your vehicle 29 8 Care maintenance and recycling 30 8 1 New user 30 8 2 Charger 30 8 3 Battery pack 32 8 4 Fuse 34 8 5 Cleaning 34 8 6 Recycling 34 9 Warranty and liability 35 9 1 Warranty 35 9 2 Liability 35 4 movilino ...

Страница 5: ... sa fety instructions before you use the movilino for the first time After reading please store this user s manual at an appropriate place for further reference 1 2 Instruction In the interest of your safety the movilino a only be operated by trained per sonnel Instruction on how to operate the device is part of the delivery package and takes place with your authorized dealer or an AAT representat...

Страница 6: ...on escala tors or moving belts F Transporting other kinds of loads is explicitly prohibited F Only authorized operators may use the movilino Therefore never leave the movilino unattended F Due to safety reasons the movilino may only be operated by trained personnel who are physically and intellectually capable to handle the device in all situations of operation F Please note the wheelchair manufac...

Страница 7: ...2 2 Features of the movilino handle column brackets power unit battery pack 7 movilino ...

Страница 8: ...er switch forward backward speed control 2 2 2 Overview control unit tightening knob for the handles height adjustment tightening knob for the column light emitting diode drive wheels small wheels lower rod recessed handle upper rod socket for the power cable handle 8 movilino ...

Страница 9: ...er unit 11 2 kg handle unit 2 4 kg battery pack 10 2 kg power cable 0 2 kg bag for batteries plus velcro straps 0 2 kg charger 0 3 kg total weight 24 5 kg limits for mounting the device on a wheelchair seat width of 32 cm or more max approved total weight 170 kg person wheelchair movilino speed continually adjustable 6 km h forward 3 km h backward running in slowing period approximately 10 seconds...

Страница 10: ...2 4 Dimensioned sketch 10 movilino ...

Страница 11: ...cable and bag for the battery pack plus the user s manual no picture In addition it is necessary to mount brackets to the wheelchair this is not included in the delivery package 2 6 Optional accessories We offer the following accessories for your personal needs and wishes Spokes protection mega battery pack anti tilt support voltage converter hip belt and handle for left handed control 11 movilino...

Страница 12: ...s and tightening knobs Disassembly is just as easy 3 1 Handle First connect the handle with the power unit by inserting the column into the holding device on the power unit A 9 pin Sub D socket connector located in the power unit s holding devi ce makes the electrical connection 12 movilino ...

Страница 13: ... the handle with the power unit if both parts are clean and dry Should there be dirt or moisture the two parts should never be connected F Clean and dry the Sub D socket connector with a regular cleaning cloth F You may not connect other devices to this Sub D socket connector This could destroy the movilino or the other electric devices 13 movilino ...

Страница 14: ... to each individual wheelchair therefore the brackets you see in the picture may look different from your wheelchair brackets F Please check whether the brackets are securely fastened before each use Should screw fastenings be loose you may not use the movilino In such case please contact your local dealer immediately 3 2 2 Bracket on the movilino On your movilino you find an upper and lower rod T...

Страница 15: ...e upper brackets on the wheelchair Possibility 1 1 Tilt the movilino forward to lift the upper bracket 2 The movilino aligned in the center of its upper support slides into the upper brackets the adjusting rings rest snugly against the in side of the brackets on both sides Possibility 2 3 Plug the power cable into the movilino s battery pack as described in chapter 3 3 4 Insert the safety chip for...

Страница 16: ...ther bracket on the wheelchair as described in point 2 Only by using quick pins a strong connection between movilino and wheel chair is secured F The movilino may only be operated if the quick pins are securely lo cked in the wheelchair s brackets F The wheelchair s wheels may not be removed when you operate the movilino 3 3 Attach the battery pack The bag for the battery pack is located under the...

Страница 17: ... repeat the process in reversed order see chapter 3 2 3 chapter 3 3 F First remove the power cable from its socket on the movilino F Please make sure that the anti tilt support is also removed 3 5 Adjust the handle Please adjust the handle to the appropriate and for the operator comfortable position Release the tightening knob by turning counter clockwise Pull out the handle to the appropriate hei...

Страница 18: ...n Push the quick pin into the drilling on the holding device while you press the unlocking button at the top of the quick pin When the quick pin is inserted all the way you release the unlocking button on the quick pin F Please check whether the quick pins are tightly secured in the hol ding devices If you can remove the quick pins without pressing the unlocking button they are not secured properl...

Страница 19: ...make sure that the tilt support is not jammed whenever you use the movilino F Please do not drive backwards against a wall with mounted tilt supp orts F Please note that no tilt support can secure all potentially difficult si tuations thus avoid any instable situations even with mounted tilt supports To remove the tilt support you press the unlocking button on the quick pin while you pull it out T...

Страница 20: ... Please make yourself familiar with handling the device and its driving cha racteristics Please use it first on level ground until you feel secure handling it Also practise at a low speed F During drive rests activate the locking brakes of the wheelchair F In the beginning please always turn the speed control to its lowest speed and increase it until you reach the desired pace F Please reduce the ...

Страница 21: ...before each use This is particularly important if there is an aerial mast nearby F Please note that the movilino may interfere with other electronic devices sensitive electro magnetic fields e g anti theft systems in department stores This may also happen if you connect other devi ces F Also make sure that the movilino is not operated in close proximity to medical devices with a high potential for...

Страница 22: ...ictly prohibited to transport goods with the device 4 6 Care and maintenance Please make sure that you charge the bat tery pack after each use of the movilino If the movilino is not in operation please turn off the device If the working elements of the device block turn the movilino off immedi ately F Please note the wear limit of the powered wheels see chapter 4 4 F Repairs may be done by authori...

Страница 23: ...lchair or making changes on said brackets may only be performed by the company AAT Alber Antriebstechnik or their authorized dealers The movilino may only be attached to wheelchairs which must be checked according to generally acknowledged technical norms and their operator s manuals must be applied when using the movilino Before each use please check all the holding devices and attachments Also m...

Страница 24: ...It is indispensible to use anti tilt support Please make sure that they are not jammed before each use Also never drive backwards against a wall with mounted anti tilt support 24 movilino ...

Страница 25: ... movilino is not exceeded 5 2 Battery pack Please make sure that the batteries are fully charged before you use the mo vilino for the first time Extensive instructions you find in chapter 8 3 5 3 Power unit Please regularly check the wear limit of the powered wheels Extensive instructions you find in chapter 4 4 25 movilino ...

Страница 26: ...5 to 10 seconds Once the hub motor is completely lowered you hear an acous tic signal F The movilino is equipped with a turn off feature if the device is on and has not been used for 5 minutes the turn off feature switches the movilino off automatically In such case you can only use the movilino again by pressing the ON OFF switch If the device is at a standstill for a longer period of time please...

Страница 27: ...us situation However as soon as you release the rocker switch the electromagnetic brake is activated Depending on particular circumstances the electro magnetic brakes strong effect may brake the wheelchair so abruptly that it stops immediately The panic switch works both ways going backward and forward as well as du ring malfunction please see chapter 6 4 for trouble shooting 27 movilino Problem C...

Страница 28: ...w battery charge For all other cases of malfunction please contact your authorized dealer In cases of malfunction such as the blinking of 1 4 times we consciously abstained from automatically activating the electro magnetic brakes as soon as the malfunction is recognized while the device is driving F If you want to activate the electro magnetic brake push the rocker switch hard to overcome the pre...

Страница 29: ...in a vehicle always secure the devi ce according to the legal rules and regulations F The sealed lead acid batteries used in the movilino are not conside red dangerous according to the IATA special guidelines A67 and GGVS Rn Nr 2801 A section 2 and admitted to air travel by DOT and IATA F Before using mass transportation such as buses or subways etc or your personal vehicle please detach the movil...

Страница 30: ...er cable from the socket on the battery pack 3 Please open the velcro strip of the bag for the battery pack and take out the battery pack F The battery pack should always be connected to the charger to ex tend its durability see chapter 8 3 1 F Please exclusively use the AAT Alber Antriebstechnik GmbH charger to charge your battery pack The battery pack of the movilino is maintenance free and rech...

Страница 31: ...cludes the AAT Alber Antriebstechnik GmbH charger Plug is in serted into the wall outlet and plug into the socket on the device or the battery pack This automatic charger recharges your batteries 100 As soon as the char ging process is completed it switches to a retaining mode thus overchar ging is impossible F Before using the charger please read and follow all instructions and warning notes incl...

Страница 32: ... Before using the voltage converter please read and follow all in structions and warning notes printed on the voltage converter F Exclusively use the AAT Alber Antriebstechnik GmbH voltage con verter F Check the voltage converter regularly and protect it from oil grease aggressive cleaning agents thinners and or damage by sharp edges etc F Repairs and service check ups may only be performed by AAT...

Страница 33: ...takes a few charging discharging cycles to build up the full capacity If fully charged batteries empty faster than usual they are probably used up In such case have your batteries checked by your local dealer and exchan ged if necessary F If the movilino is at a standstill for some time please connect it to the charger to retain the charge This does not damage the sealed lead acid batteries on the...

Страница 34: ...ead and follow all instructions and warning notes printed on the charger F Exclusively use the AAT Alber Antriebstechnik GmbH charger F Never touch the plug with moist hands Signals of the charger 8 3 2 Charging batteries in your vehicle By means of the voltage voltage converter you may even charge your battery pack while driving your car First remove the power cable Then fully insert the plug of ...

Страница 35: ... powered wheel is excessive worn up because of contamination or deposits F Make sure that no water gets into the movilino therefore merely use a damp cloth for cleaning F In the interest of your safety do not use a high pressure cleaning device F Please make sure that your wheelchair is cleaned according to the manufacturer s specifications 8 6 Recycling The movilino and its battery pack are produ...

Страница 36: ...thorized constructional changes or inappropriate use of the de vice or its accessories using the movilino exceeding its maximum lifting capacity improper charging of the lead batteries 9 2 Liability The manufacturer AAT Alber Antriebstechnik GmbH is neither liable nor re sponsible for potential damage of the movilino in case of improper handling of the device repair assembly or other work performe...

Страница 37: ...movilino AAT Alber Antriebstechnik GmbH Postfach 10 05 60 D 72426 Albstadt Tel 49 74 31 12 95 0 Fax 49 74 31 12 95 35 www aat online de info aat online de ...
