Safety instructions
For a safe ope ra ti on of the mo vi li no it is im por tant that you ob ser ve
and ad he re to all war ning signs and in struc tions in this user's ma nu -
al as well as the war ning signs and in struc tions on the de vi ce it self.
All ge ne ral ru les for the safe use of a wheel chair ap ply wit hout re ser va ti on
whi le ope ra ting the mo vi li no. You must al ways ob ser ve the li mit va lu es and
in struc tions in di ca ted by the ma nu fac tu rer (e.g. air pres su re, ma xi mum to -
tal weight, ma xi mum in cli na ti on, etc.). Li mit va lu es may ne ver be ex cee ded.
To as su re a safe use of the mo vi li no, it is in dis pen sa ble to ob ser ve the fol lo -
wing di rec tions.
Special information concerning the operation:
Ge ne ral ly all of the
wheelchair’s spe ci fic li mi ting va lu es in di ca ted by the ma nu fac tu rer must be
ob ser ved.
In the in te rest of your sa fe ty the pus hing and bra king aid mo vi li no may not
be used on es ca la tors, stairs, mo ving walk ways or un for ti fied sur fa ces. You
may only move the wheel chair plus moun ted mo vi li no ma nu al ly, if the de vi -
ce is tur ned off. Plea se ob ser ve the in struc tions and li mi ting va lu es of your
wheelchair’s ma nu fac tu rer.
Be fo re each ope ra ti on you must put the sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne im mo bi li -
ser into its slot at the hand le unit. Al ways make sure it has snap ped into pla -
ce be cau se ot her wi se the mo vi li no does not work.
The wheelchair’s wheels may not be re mo ved!
Plea se make your self fa mi li ar with hand ling the de vi ce and its dri ving cha -
rac ter is tics. Plea se use it first on le vel ground un til you feel se cu re hand ling
it. Also prac ti se at a low speed.
Du ring dri ve rests ac ti va te the lo cking bra kes of the wheel chair
In the be gin ning, plea se al ways turn the speed con trol to its lo west
speed and in crea se it un til you re ach the de si red pace.
Plea se re du ce the speed be fo re going downhill.
Avoid dri ving slo pes and down slo pes manually!
Alt hough the mo vi li no ma na ges in cli nes up to 18%, you may un der no cir -
cums tan ces ex ceed the ma xi mum ap pro ved in cli na ti on sti pu la ted by your
wheel chair ma nu fac tu rer. (Ramps in pub lic pla ces ge ne ral ly have an in cli -
na ti on of ap pro xi ma te ly 6%).
Plea se cross over ob sta cles such as curbs on si de walks with a tur ned
off mo vi li no. Cros sing over hig her curbs should be done bac kwards
be cau se the rol lers may jac kkni fe. Plea se pull the wheel chair at its
hand le not at the ones of the mo vi li no. Also al ways check the height
of your anti-tilt sup
port and keep in mind the wheel
manufacturer’s sti pu la ted ma xi mum height.
The cur rent road traf fic re gu la tions ap ply when you use the mo vi li no on pub -
lic ro ads. Should the re be ad di tio nal de vi ces ne ces sa ry, you need to mount
them to your wheel chair as soon as pos si ble. In such case, plea se con tact
your lo cal dea ler.
Plea se avoid dri ving par al lel on steep slo pes to avoid a til ting over si de ways
of your wheel chair. Al ways coun ter-steer when the curb on the si de walk is
slan ting downward and re main at a safe dis tan ce to the curb.