3.2.5 Fix the movilino to the wheelchair
Take one of the quick pins and with your thump push down the
quick pin in the middle
Put the quick pin all the way into the dril led hole of one of the up per
bra ckets on the wheel chair
and re lea se the quick pin.
Now take the ot her quick pin and put it into the ot her bra cket on the
wheel chair as des cri bed in point 2.
Only by using quick pins a strong con nec ti on bet ween mo vi li no and wheel -
chair is secured.
The mo vi li no may only be ope ra ted, if the quick pins are se cu re ly lo -
cked in the wheelchair’s brackets.
The wheelchair’s wheels may not be re mo ved when you ope ra te the
mo vi li no!
Attach the battery pack
The bag for the bat te ry pack is lo ca ted un der the seat of the wheel chair.
Sim ply sli de the bat te ry pack into its bag and fix it with a vel cro strip.