6.1.4 Rocker switch
With the ro cker switch you de ter mi ne the di rec ti on and speed (up to the
pre-se lec ted speed) of the movilino.
Use the ro cker switch ca re ful ly.
To dri ve for ward you press the lon ger back part of the ro cker switch
. To
dri ve bac kward, plea se press the ro cker switch’s shor ter front part
The movilino speeds up the more you press the ro cker switch un til you re ach
the ma xi mum pres su re point. It slows down the more you re lea se the ro cker
Two se conds af ter stand still is rea ched, an elec tro-mag ne tic par king bra ke
be co mes ac ti ve.
6.1.5 Panic switch
If du ring an emer gen cy you press the ro cker switch too hard so that the pres -
su re point is over co me, the so-cal led pa nic switch cau ses the movilino to go
from dri ving mode into coast. As long as you keep the ro cker switch pres sed,
you can dri ve the pa tient away from the dan ge rous si tua ti on.
Ho we ver, as soon as you re lea se the ro cker switch the elec tro mag ne tic bra ke
is ac ti vat ed.
De pen ding on par ti cu lar cir cums tan ces the elec tro-mag ne tic brakes’ strong
ef fect may bra ke the wheel chair so ab ruptly that it stops im me di ate ly.
The pa nic switch works both ways going bac kward and for ward as well as du -
ring mal functi on (plea se see chap ter 6.4 for trou ble shoo ting).
Check and potential solution
movilino cannot be turned on
Is the charger connected to the movilino?
If so, disconnect the charging cable and plug in the power cable
Is the battery empty?
If so, charge the batteries.
Are the fuses damaged?
If so, exchange the fuses
If there is still a problem turning on the movilino, please contact
your dealer.
Batteries don’t charge
Please contact your dealer
LED is blinking
Type of malfunction
1 x
Malfunction of the motor, the motor controller or the battery pack
2 x
Low voltage, batteries empty
3 x
4 x
Electro-magnetic brake at fault
5 x
Indicator for excess voltage
6 x
Indicator for overstressing