Charge of battery
A light emit ting di ode
di ode lo ca ted on the con trol pa nel next to the
ON/Off switch in forms you about the char ge of the bat te ry.
Green light, the char ge of the bat te ry lies bet ween 70 – 100%.
Yel low light, the char ge of the bat te ry lies bet ween 40 – 70 %.
Red light, the char ge of the bat te ry lies un der 40 %. You must char -
ge the bat te ry im me di ate ly!
Control light to indicate malfunction
Mal functi on is in di ca ted by a blin king light emit ting di ode. If the re is still an
in di ca ti on of mal functi on, char ge the bat te ries in case of low bat te ry char ge.
For all ot her ca ses of mal functi on, plea se con tact your aut ho ri zed dea ler.
In ca ses of mal functi on such as the blin king of 1 – 4 ti mes we cons ci ous ly
ab stai ned from au to ma ti cal ly ac ti va ting the elec tro-mag ne tic bra kes as soon
as the mal functi on is re cog ni zed whi le the de vi ce is dri ving.
If you want to ac ti va te the elec tro-mag ne tic bra ke, push the ro cker
switch hard to over co me the pres su re point and the pa nic switch is
ac ti vat ed. Then re lea se the ro cker switch.
In all ot her ca ses of mal functi on the elec tro-mag ne tic bra ke is au to ma ti cal ly
ac ti vat ed.
Trouble shooting
If the re are pro blems using the mo vi li no, plea se check the fol lo wing trou ble
shoo ting chart and see whet her you can not fix them your self.