8.2.2 Voltage converter for your vehicle
The vol ta ge con ver ter does not need par ti cu lar care or main ten an ce
. Ne ver -
the less, check your vol ta ge con ver ter re gu lar ly and pro tect it from oil, grea -
se, ag gres si ve clea ners, di lu ting agents and/or da ma ge due to sharp ed ges,
Be fo re using the vol ta ge con ver ter, plea se read and fol low all in -
struc tions and war ning no tes prin ted on the vol ta ge con ver ter.
Ex clu si ve ly use the AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH vol ta ge con -
ver ter!
Check the vol ta ge con ver ter re gu lar ly and pro tect it from oil, grea se,
ag gres si ve clea ning agents, thin ners and/or da ma ge by sharp ed ges,
Re pairs and ser vi ce check-ups may only be per for med by AAT Al ber
An triebs tech nik GmbH or their aut ho ri zed per son nel.