Bra ckets mo vi li no/s-max
Sli de the tilt sup port
all the way into the hol ding de vi ce
on the mo vi li -
no. Pay at ten ti on on the la bel at the anti-tilt sup port. Lock it with the quick
pin. Push the quick pin into the dril ling on the hol ding de vi ce whi le you
press the un lo cking but ton
at the top of the quick pin. When the quick pin
is in ser ted all the way you re lea se the un lo cking but ton on the quick pin.
Plea se check whet her the quick pins are tight ly se cu red in the hol -
ding de vi ces. If you can re mo ve the quick pins wit hout pres sing the
un lo cking but ton, they are not se cu red pro per ly.
Plea se make sure that the tilt sup port is not jam med whe ne ver you
use the mo vi li no.
Plea se do not dri ve bac kwards against a wall with moun ted tilt supp -
Plea se note that no tilt sup port can se cu re all po ten ti al ly dif fi cult si -
tua tions, thus avoid any ins tab le si tua tions even with moun ted tilt
supp orts.
To re mo ve the tilt sup port you press the un lo cking but ton on the quick pin
whi le you pull it out. Then take off the tilt sup port.
Functional check
Plea se check the de vi ce's elec tro nic functions each time be fo re
using it (see chap ter 6.1)!
Plea se re gu lar ly check the wear li mit of the po we red wheels (see
chap ter 4.4)!
Make sure that the bat te ry pack is char ged be fo re you use the
Plea se make sure that the tilt sup port is not jam med whe ne ver you
use the mo vi li no!