The mo vi li no may only be used, if your wheel chair has been supp lied with
spe ci al bra ckets.
The se bra ckets may only be moun ted by AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik or aut -
ho ri zed per son nel.
3.2.1 Bracket on the wheelchair
The wheel chair must be equip ped with a bra cket in or der to at tach the mo vi -
li no to the wheelchair.
AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH of fers a uni ver sal ly ap pli ca ble moun ting
sys tem. We at tach a hol ding de vi ce
on both si des of the wheelchair’s fra -
me. This hol ding de vi ce has an up per
and lo wer
bra cket.
All bra ckets are spe ci al ly de sig ned for and ad jus ted to each in di vi du al
wheel chair; the re fo re, the bra ckets you see in the pic tu re may look dif fe rent
from your wheel chair brackets.
Plea se check whet her the bra ckets are se cu re ly fas te ned be fo re
each use. Should screw fas te nings be loo se, you may not use the
no. In such case, plea
se con
tact your lo
cal dea
3.2.2 Bracket on the movilino
On your mo vi li no you find an up per
and lo wer
rod. To ad just the lo wer
rod's height the re are se ve ral ver ti cal ho les dril led into the hou sing of the
Your aut ho ri zed dea ler or AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik GmbH ad justs the
height at which the mo vi li no is moun ted to your type of wheel chair.
On both si des of the up per rod the re are rings
. The po si ti on of said rings
are also ad jus ted to your type of wheelchair.