Ascotel® IntelliGate® 150/300 as of I7.9
Operation and Maintenance
– I7.
9 – 1
wave files"
. This function is useful for a backup or if there is insufficient free storage
space available in the serial Flash components for an update of the PBX software.
After the update the wave files are reloaded to the PBX with the function
"Partial upload
"Wave file upload - All audio data
See also:
The procedure and special information relating to the backup and the
upload of the audio data are described in detail in the AIMS Help.
6. 1. 1. 3
Boot software
The boot software is stored in parallel Flash components.
6. 1. 1. 4
Configuration data
There are two categories of configuration data:
System configuration data
Terminal configuration data
This data is stored in parallel Flash components.
System configuration data
The System Configuration data contains all the settings for the System Configura-
tion with the exception of the terminal-specific settings.
The system configuration data is stored in parallel Flash components and backed
up with AIMS Backup.
System configuration data can only be modified using AIMS.
Terminal configuration data
The terminal configuration data includes all the terminal-specific settings such as
private phone books
key assignments
terminal settings such as volume, ringing melody, etc.