Dear Customer,
Congratulations! You have bought a world-class product. A. O. Smith is one of the largest water
heater manufacturer in the world, a division of A. O. Smith Corporation, is a global leader in
innovative technology and energy efficient solutions. Jaquar, the leader in the Indian bath fitting
industry has always emphasised on Quality, Reliability and Service. The key philosophy of Jaquar is
to provide consumers more value for their money. The very reason why Jaquar believes that, its
products must make Friends not just Customers.
To further its commitment to customer delight, Jaquar offers an exclusive premium range of water
heaters manufactured by A. O. Smith.
Our customer-centric approach manifests in many ways. Jaquar has the largest sales and after sales
network with 22 regional centres, 33 area representatives, over 2200 local dealers complemented
by over 225 service technicians.
If you need any further assistance, please call our Customer Care.
Keep smiling for years to come.
Customer Care No.
Regional Service Centre
Telephone Nos.:
J A Q U A R C U S T O M E R C A R E ( J )