Fig . 99
Fig . 103
Fig . 104
Fig . 100
Fig . 101
Fig . 102
Fig . 98
3 . Touch the ‘Clockwise’ and ‘Counter-clockwise’ buttons to automatically
move the carriage around the corners of the print area . (Fig . 98)
4 . From the side of the printer, observe any changes
in distance between the Print Plate and the Print Jet
during each movement along the side of the Print
Plate . (Fig . 99-102)
5 . Using the 3mm hex driver from the tool kit, adjust the height of the Print Pad bolts
(Fig . 103) to make each side level .
6 . There is a locking nut beneath each of the 3 bed bolts that must be loosened
with the 8mm spanner wrench before the bolt can be adjusted . (Fig . 104)
7 . It may take several Print Jet movements and bolt adjustments to ensure that the
Print Plate is level .
8 . Ensure that axes have been checked from the appropriate side of the printer (to better gauge flatness).