Common problem solutions
Policy Server
Suggested Solution
Backup Policy Servers are not
taking over as expected
Verify the backup Policy Server is online by confirming that the status displayed in the
Management Console Policy Server window is Normal, or by viewing the status of the Policy
Server service using the Windows Services interface on the backup Policy Server machine.
Verify the NIC belongs to a Policy Server that has the expected Policy Server as a backup server in
the Management Console NIC window.
Ensure the backup Policy Server and NIC can communicate (see “Policy Server-to-NIC
Communication Check” on page 76).
System is slow when some of
the servers are down
When a remote host for a Policy Server is down or unreachable due to a network problem, requests to
that Policy Server can take up to 10 seconds to time out. The system continues to operate and handle
all NIC requests for which a backup Policy Server is specified. No administrator intervention is required.
Received message stating that
the system cannot obtain audit
data from all of the Policy
Servers for a query
Audit data is not replicated across Policy Servers. Audit data resulting from administrative actions while
logged in to a Policy Server are retained on that Policy Server. Audit data for a NIC is normally retained
on its primary Policy Server. This message indicates the Policy Server cannot reach other Policy Servers to
access the data requested in the query you executed. You may not be able to get a network connection
to the other Policy Server, or the other Policy Server may be down (see "Policy Server-to-Policy Server
Communication Check" on page 77). You may still run the query and get results for the data stored on
the Policy Server to which you are connected and any other accessible server.
Expected audit results
do not appear
If you do not see the audit results you were expecting, follow the steps below:
Rerun the audit query. If you receive a message indicating that it cannot collect audit data from all
of the Policy Servers for a query, refer to the previous table row.
Review the parameters of the audit query you are running by selecting Edit from the Query menu.
Make sure you check both tabs (Rules, and Policy and Administrator) in the query results window
for the audit records you expect.
Click on the column headings in the audit query results to sort the results by a particular column
to assist you in finding the information for which you are looking.
If your audit query has multiple pages, make sure you have checked all of the pages.
The NIC does not retry sending of audit records. Audit records are lost if the last Policy Server that
communicated with this NIC becomes unavailable or unreachable.
Policy distribution failures to a NIC, if there is no primary or backup server available, are not
audited. This lack of an audit is due to the potentially large number of records that would be generated
by this event (one for every NIC). Availability and unavailability of Policy Servers is managed via the
Policy Server status on the Policy Server window.