Predator ULTRA Installation Manual V2.1.25.3
Page 34
© 360 Vision Technology Ltd.
Night Presets - This can be used to set the presets to different settings if required. Default is on.
(See Advanced Features - page 30).
Predator lamps are used to improve the illumination of distant dark objects. The Predator lamps are normally
set to maximum intensity to increase the distance at which objects can be seen. When the Predator lamps
are ON and the camera tilts downwards to view nearby objects, the illumination could be too bright. This could
cause the quality of the image to be reduced. Some Predators include the ‘intelligent lighting’ feature which
allows the intensity of the illumination to be reduced when the Predator tilts down below a particular angle (i.e.
the ‘Dim Light Angle’). Below this angle the power to the lamps is reduced to the percentage value that has
been set (i.e. ‘Dim Lights intensity’).
• Dim Lights Angle - Sets angle when reduced illumination intensity is used.
• Dim Lights Intensity - Sets illumination intensity.
• Night HLC Level - Set a value to help mask high intensity light sources, options are low, medium and
• Night HLC Mask - Sets a mask for the light source, options are 1 (white) to 15 (grey).
Sun Shield - Reduces tilt range of the camera for when a sun-shield is fitted.
• Auto Flip - Use this option to set how the camera behaves when full tilt down is reached.
Tilt - Requires a second tilt down command, when at full tilt down to spin camera 180°.
Limit - Automatically spins the camera 180° when full tilt down is reached.
• Attack Detect - Camera will re-initialise camera motors so that camera looks back to the original
position, if the camera is physically forced/moved. Default is on.
Upright Mount - Can be used to flip the image, so the camera can be used on a pole or a ceiling.
Default is pole.
Power on Park - When the camera powers up, it will go to a preset position. Preset 150. Default is off.
• Pan/Tilt Speed - Can be used to set the pan/tilt speed. Options are Normal, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%
Slower, 20%, 40%, 60% or 80% Faster. Default is normal.
• Status Refresh Rate - Can be used to help speed up telemetry control of the camera, by slowing
down the refresh rate.
• White Lamps - Set if white lights are to be used.
• White Timer - Set white light timer.
• Exclusion Zones- Option to be used if a white light exclusion area is to be used, set area using
presets 151 (left) & 152 (right), IR light exclusion area is required, set area using presets 153 (left) &
154 (right) or white & IR light exclusion zone.
• Auto Dimming - When selected the camera will reduce the lamp power, when looking in scenes
where there is to much light.
to program the new settings into the Predator ULTRA.
to abandon the changes to the camera settings.