Funk-Electronic Piciorgros GmbH
DVI-100 User Guide
V1.01 page 1
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Only enabled groups are registered towards the TETRA network. This feature can be
used to temporarily prevent a group from being registered in the TETRA network
without removing it completely from the DVI-100 configuration.
Group mode
Scanned groups are participants of the communication. The selected group is the main
talkgroup for a TETRA subscriber.
If no defined call destination is given to the DVI-100 by a connected client, any
outgoing calls are made to the selected group by default. In addition to the selected
group, voice calls, SDS and status messages of all scanned groups will be received by
the DVI-100 in TMO mode.
In DMO mode, there are no scanned groups – and only the selected group will be the
one and only group calls and messages can be received from.