Funk-Electronic Piciorgros GmbH
DVI-100 User Guide
V1.01 page 1
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Change the DVI-100 network setting
The menu item “Ethernet >> Network” links to the configuration page for the Ethernet
Here the IP address of the DVI-100 as well as the netmask and the gateway information
can be defined. It is recommended to change the Ethernet parameters according to the
needs of the installation.
The configuration has to be saved by pressing the Apply button. Afterwards the device
has to be restarted. This can be done remotely by using the appearing orange bar which
contains the restart button. For the next login the target IP address in the browser must
be adjusted.
Change the web servers passwords
The own password can be changed at „Service >> Manage passwords“. To validate a
new password, the code must be entered in both designated fields.
The password becomes valid immediately. To reset it to the default it can either be
changed back manually or the Reset-to-Factory-Default operation resets the whole
setting of the DVI including the passwords.