Funk-Electronic Piciorgros GmbH
DVI-100 User Guide
V1.01 page
of 2
General description
The DVI-100 (Digital Voice Interface) will be attached to a TETRA Network in the
same way as a normal TETRA hand portable, and it can be a Member of up to 25
talkgroups. When it receives a voice call, rather than decoding the digitally coded
ACELP data stream into analogue audio and feeding it to the Loudspeaker, it is sent as
a digital (UDP) data stream to its IP port. Connecting two DVI-100s back-to-back with
each device connected to a different TETRA network (which could be different
infrastructure manufacturer, different frequency bands or geographically separated),
allows the networks to be “interconnected” based on group calls, status messages, and
short data messages. As the voice data stream is not converted back into an analogue
signal at any time, the voice quality has the same brilliant quality as received with a
TETRA hand portable.
The DVI-100 can be used in each of the three following described scenarios.
Application scenarios
Back to Back Operation
With two DVI-100’s logged into different TETRA networks and by connecting them
via Back-to-Back IP, an easy ISI for voice and SDS transmission can be implemented.