Model 106-H Ozone Monitor Manual Rev. D-2
For the USB port, the baud rate setting in the data acquisition software must match
the setting that the Model 106-H had at startup. If you wish to change the baud rate of
the Model 106-H, change it in both the instrument and the software, and then reboot
the instrument to begin taking data.
Data Output
The ozone concentration, internal cell temperature, cell pressure, reference
photodiode voltage (volts), sample photodiode voltage (volts), date, and time are sent
as comma-delimited ASCII text to the serial and USB ports (2400, 4800 or 19200
baud as selected in menu; 8 bits; no parity; 1 stop bit) every two seconds, ten
seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, or 1 hour, depending on the averaging time selected
from the microprocessor menu. Time is provided in 24-hour (military) format, and the
date is given in European style (day/month/year). The user should separately make
note of the instrument settings for units (ozone, temperature, pressure), baud rate, and
averaging time.
A typical data line would read:
where in this example:
Ozone = 1.03 wt% O
Cell temperature = 31.7
Cell pressure = 835.9 mbar (1 atm = 1013 mbar)
Reference Photodiode voltage = 1.28888 volts
Sample Signal = 0.99086 volts
Date = January 3, 2017
Time = 6:40:55 pm
Units for ozone, temperature, and pressure will be output as set by the user in the
Admin / Cfg / Unts
If outputting logged data, the output serial data line will be preceded by the log
number; e.g.,
where 2893 is the log number.
In addition to data lines, messages are written to the USB or serial port when logging
is begun or ended, when transmission of data from the logger is begun and ended,
when data collection is interrupted (e.g., due to a power failure), and when the
averaging time is changed.
See Section 3.15 below for how to access the serial menu and USB menu.