Model 106-H Ozone Monitor Manual Rev. D-2
the set time is entered, in this case by exiting all menus by clicking on
, and
resuming measurements.
To Change the Ozone, Temperature, and Pressure Measurement Units
From the
Main / Admin /
submenu, choose the
Unt Menu
T/P O3
Choose O3 to change the ozone units:
O3 Units Menu
Ozone: vol%
Select the units displayed (e.g., vol% above), depress the select switch to obtain a
blinking cursor and rotate the select switch to choose between units of percent by
weight in oxygen (Wt%O2), percent by weight in air (Wt%air), grams per normalized
cubic meter (g/Nm3, normalized to 1 atm and 0°C), grams per cubic meter (g/m3) or
percent by volume (Vol%). Press the select switch again to remove the blinking cursor,
and return to the
menu using the left arrow. Ozone concentrations will now be
calculated and reported in the chosen units.
Select T/P from the
submenu to change the temperature and pressure units:
T/P Units Menu
T:C P:mbar
You may now select units of °C, °F, or K for temperature and mbar, psi, or torr for
pressure using the same procedure used to set the units for ozone concentration.
3.10 To Auto-Zero the Instrument
Check the zero measurement occasionally, or if the instrument has not been used
recently. The instrument has an auto-zeroing function to enable easy zeroing.
First, purge the instrument with zero gas at a minimum flow rate of 0.2 L/min for at
least 2 minutes. For an accurate measurement, the instrument must have been
turned on long enough for the internal temperature to stabilize (at least 20 minutes).
From the
Menu, select and click on
to display:
Providing Zero
Air? Yes Cancel
. You will then see the status message:
When the zeroing function is complete, you will see the status message:
Found New Zero