Chapter 18 SMTP Redirect
UAG5100 User’s Guide
Figure 128
Network > SMTP Redirect > Add/Edit
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 91
Network > SMTP Redirect > Add/Edit
Use this option to turn the SMTP redirect rule on or off.
Use the drop-down list box to select the individual user or user group for which you want
to use this rule.
Select any to have the SMTP redirect rule apply to all of the SMTP messages that the
UAG receives from any user.
Incoming Interface Select the interface on which the SMTP traffic must be received for the UAG to forward it
to the specified SMTP server.
Source Address
Select the source address or address group for whom this rule applies. Use Create new
Object if you need to configure a new one. Select any if the rule is effective for every
SMTP Server
Enter the IP address of the SMTP server.
Click OK to save your changes back to the UAG.
Click Cancel to exit this screen without saving.