Status
and
Description
z
Registered
:
Registration
success.
z
Unregistered
:
Registration
failure
or
unapplied.
z
Unreachable:
Network
issue.
z
Timeout:
Register
request
timeout.
6.1.3
SIPTrunk
Status
To
view
trunk
status,
navigate
to
web
menu
Report
‐
>Register
Status
‐
Trunk
Status
.
Here
you
can
see
all
your
outbound
trunks’
status.
Status
and
Description
z
Registered
:
Successfully
registered
to
the
service
provider
and
ready
for
phone
calls.
z
Request
Sent
:In
this
status,
it’s
most
probable
that
the
network
is
totally
unreachable
to
the
server.
Please
make
sure
network
setting
on
the
system
are
correct.
z
Waiting
for
Authentication
:
If
“
Waiting
for
Authentication
”
then
most
probably
the
register
request
has
already
been
received
by
the
server
side
but
cannot
authenticate
the
register
request
due
to
incorrect
credentials.
Please
double
check
your
credentials.
z
Failed
:
After
trying
to
register
within
a
certain
time
period
without
success,
you
get
“
Failed
”
on
the
trunk
status.
6.1.4
Trunk
Status
To
view
trunk
status,
navigate
to
web
menu
Report
‐
>Register
Status
‐
Trunk
Status
.
Here
you
can
see
all
of
your
outbound
trunks’
status.