28/52 | Operation manual Z130-SE | 05/2016
29/52 | Operation manual Z130-SE | 05/2016 Fitting reel brushes (option)
For improved cleaning of the table, it is possi-
ble to attach brushes to the reel.
The brushes are fastened to the reel prongs
using three clamps (Fig. 7.13).
7.9.5. Adjusting cross feeding auger
The feeding fingers are to be set to suit the
harvesting conditions.
1. Move the adjusting lever (Fig. 7.14) away
from the machine.
2. Place the adjusting lever in the required
3. Release the adjusting lever and ensure it
7.9.6. Adjusting header load relief
The header load relief springs are used to
guide the header gently over the ground.
These springs enable the header to compen-
sate for unevenness on the ground.
1. Fully raise header
2. Secure header on blocks to prevent it
3. Adjust support plate for the load relief
4. Lower header.
The load relief springs must be adjusted such that the attachment can be lifted with a force of
50-80 kg.
7.9.7. Adjusting header skids
The cutting depth is limited by the header
For this purpose the header skids are adjusted
using clamping eye bolts (Fig. 7.16) as re-
7.9.8. Fitting rapeseed side cutting
knives (option)
Instead of the crop divider it is possible to fit
rapeseed side cutting knives.
1. Remove crop divider
2. Insert drive shaft from the front through
3. Fasten side cutting knives using the hook.
4. Attach the angel bracket at the blade car-
rying (Fig. 7.19). Use spcer rings at all four
positions (Fig. 7.19 Pos. 1). The spacer
rings increase the agility.
5. Check if the drive rod (Fig. 7.19 Pos. 2)
and the blade carry is aligned and that the
dirve rod does not collied with the header
(Fig. 7.20). If necessery realign them. For
that loosen the screw (Fig 7.19 Pos. 3) and
move the dirve rod in the correct position.
6. Check the knife speed. For that adjust the
control unit (Fig 7.21) to a value between 3
an 3.5. Check if the knife is running smoo-
Fig. 7.15
Fig. 7.14
Fig. 7.13
Fig. 7.17
Fig. 7.18
Fig. 7.19
Fig. 7.20
Fig. 7.21