Chapter 4 RRU Installation
Figure 4-6 L-shape Support Installation
Table of Contents
Installing an RRU on a Wall ........................................................................................4-5
Installing a Single RRU on a Pole............................................................................. 4-11
Installing Two RRUs on a Pole .................................................................................4-17
Installing a Single RRU in Pole Hoop-Mounted Mode ...............................................4-22
Installing an RRU on a Gantry ..................................................................................4-27
Installing an RRU on a L-shape Support...................................................................4-32
4.1 Installing an RRU on a Wall
An RRU can be installed on a wall when used indoors, outdoors, or in a high-speed rail
This procedure describes how to install the ZXSDR R8854 on a wall.
For a description of the accessories used for installing an RRU on a wall, refer to
SJ-20160405141455-003|2018-01-03 (R1.3)
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