Software User’s Manual Ver.A1D-502-V8.03.30-NB
Below is the list of characters with special meaning that can be used in the text field:
Year in four-digit format. For example, 2008
Year in two-digit format. For example, 08
Month in two-digit format. For example, 01 for January, 12 for
Date in two-digit format. 01~31
Hour in two-digit format. 00~23. Note that only 24-hour indication
is supported.
Minutes in two-digit format. 00~59
Seconds in two-digit format. 00~59
a hyphen, "-"
a colon, ":"
a slash, "/"
show Camera Name (It might be truncated if exceeds max OSD
The appearance of each region of text can also be set differently for each video stream.
In this example, Region 1 is disabled and Region 2 is enabled for Stream 2.
After changing any of the items above, press Apply to save the changes. The Reset
button undoes the changes that had just been made but not applied yet. The result of
the example configuration would look like this (Live View page, 1:1 scale):