1.2 I Technical specifi cati ons
1.2.1 Salt water chlorinator
eXO® (iQ) 10
GenSalt OT 10
eXO® (iQ) 18
GenSalt OT 18
eXO® (iQ)
GenSalt OT
eXO® (iQ)
Nominal chlorine producti on
10 g/h
18 g/h
22 g/h
25 g/h
35 g/h
Nominal output current
2.8 A
3.6 A
5 A
5 A
7.2 A
Recommended salt
level - minimum salt
eXO®(iQ): 4 g/L - 3.3 g/L min.
GenSalt OT: 3.0 g/L min.
Low salinity
2 g/L - 1.6 g/L min.
Supply voltage
110 - 240V
50-60 Hz
Electrical power
200 W maximum
Protecti on rati ng
Cell throughput (minimum/
5m³/h < 18m³/h
Maximum allowable pressure in
the cell
2.75 bar
Operati ng water temperature
5°C < 40°C
Frequency bands
2.400 GHz - 2.497 GHz
Radio output power
+19.5 dBm
1.2.2 Opti onal pH Link or Dual Link module
pH Link
Dual Link
Supply voltage
Extra-low voltage (connected to the control box)
Peristalti c pump fl ow rate
1.2 L/h
Maximum back pressure (injecti on)
1.5 bar
pH and ORP sensor type
Combined (pH=blue/ORP=yellow)
pH correcti on
pH minus only (hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid)
pH minus dispensing
Proporti onal cyclic
pH sensor calibrati on
1 point or 2 points (pH 4 and pH 7)
ORP sensor tolerances
10 ppm maximum (shock
chlorinati on)
ORP sensor calibrati on
1 point (470 mV)
Sensor cable length
3 metres